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Collaboratore ed Esperto Linguistico





Jesús Eguía Armenteros

Ph.D. in the Theory, History and Practice of Theater from the Universidad de Granada (Spain). Graduated cum laude. BFA Performing Arts from RESAD, Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático (Madrid) and MA Teaching High School and Language Centers Spanish Language & Literature from Universidad Nebrija (Madrid). Has been an integral part of research projects at Alcalá University and Harvard University (MA-USA), working with Dr. Stephen Greenblatt on the subject of Cultural Mobility. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Teatro: Revista de Estudios Culturales at Connecticut College (USA).

Moreover, he lectured at the Tufts University and Skidmore College Spain programs (Madrid) in the area of Spanish Film History. He has taught Media Writing and Spanish as foreign language at Marbella International University Center (MIUC) from 2014 to 2018.

As a researcher, he has published one monograph and several academic articles in national and international journals. He was invited to lecture at the Grenoble Université, Université Paris Nanterre, UNED (Madrid), Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Universidad de Navarra.

He is a playwright, film and theater director. One of his theatre plays, TESTAMENTO VIENÉS, was awarded the Best Play Theatre Award 2006 Escena Joven. His work as a playwright has been studied in academic articles and is featured in a chapter of the scholarly book by UCLA’s Dr. Barbara Fuchs’s (The Poetics of Piracy: The Emulation of Spain in English Literature, Penn Press, 2012) and University of Southern California’s Dr. Carla Della Gatta (The Quest for Cardenio: Shakespeare, Fletcher, Cervantes, and the Lost Play, Oxford University Press, 2012). His last theatre show as theatre director and writer, EL CORAZON DE LAS TINIEBLAS (RADIODRAMA ESCÉNICO) was presented at Festival Mixtur 2019 (Barcelona), Festival Ensems 2019 (Valencia) and Museo Unav 2020 (Pamplona).

His currently seven short films presented have been awarded twenty-five different Spanish film festival awards and were in the official section of 40 International Festivals and 150 Spanish festivals. Also he worked as a TV writer for Endemol PC. His last shortfilm, MALDITA FAMILIA, was nominated as Best Script at Notodofilm Fest 2019. In 2020, Eguia will release three new short films. Currently it's in pre-production his first fiction long-film as writer and director, THE CARDENIO PROJECT (UNA HISTORIA DE QUIJOTE) (Yelmo de Mambrin Teatro SL), and it is in production his first documentary long-film as screenwriter, MI ÚLTIMA CONDENA (Yolaperdono PC).

Also a poet, he won the Miguel de Cervantes Award for Young Writers for the book Los Cánticos del gusano (Ed. Universidad de Alcalá, 2007).

Additionally, he worked designing the Biblioteca Nacional de España Cultural Program.

He is a member of the Asociación de Autores de Teatro, AAT (Spain) and the Asociación Colegial de Escritores de España, ACE (Spain).

Since 2018, he’s Spanish Lecturer at Padova’s University (Italy).




In press. «Allenamento del cervello: scrittura drammatica nel contesto dell’insegnamento delle lingue». Colloque international L’enseignament du théâtre “Comment (re)penser l’enseignement du théâtre dans les différents contextes d’éducation ?”, Université Grenoble Alpes (Francia).
2019. «La detonación de Buero Vallejo y la Transición Intransitada». EL TEATRO DE PROTESTA, Estrategias y estéticas contestatarias en Espana (1960-1980). Ruiz Cano, M. & Feuillastrec A.L. (eds.) Collection : Sociétés Hispaniques Espagne, Eds. L’Harmattan, pp. 201-211.
2017. «El mesianismo apocalíptico en el teatro de Angélica Liddell». Actas del Seminario Internacional “El teatro como documento artístico, histórico y cultural en el siglo XXI (2000-2016), Madrid: Verbum, pp. 422-31.
«Angélica Liddell. La marginación y el exceso en la creación escénica». M. Del Hoyo (ed.), La escenificación española contemporánea. Una mirada más allá de nuestras fronteras. Granada: UNIR y Tragacanto Ed, pp. 123-142.
2008. «La República frente a la humanidad», prol. de Perro Muerto en Tintorería: los fuertes, de Angélica Liddell. Colección Textos Teatro nº 9, Alcalá de Henares, Ateneo de Madrid / Universidad de Alcalá, pp. 7-12.
2016. «The Cardenio Project y la violencia en la trama de Fernando y Dorotea».
Maite Iraceburu Jiménez y Carlos Mata Induráin (eds.), «Spiritus vivificat». Actas del V Congreso Internacional Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro (JISO 2015), Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2016, pp. 19-31.
«Liddell, Céline y la rebelión». Acotaciones, Revista de Investigación y Creación Teatral, nº 36, pp. 113-140.
2014. Motivos y Estrategias en el teatro de Angélica Liddell. Teatro: Revista de Estudios Culturales: Issue 27. Connecticut College. ISBN: 9788490289440.
«La recepción de la prensa en el teatro de Angélica Liddell: la élite y la Vanguardia». XV Congreso Internacional de Literatura Española Contemporánea CILEC. El canon y su circunstacia: Literatura, periodismo y cine, Santiago de Compostela: Andavira Ed, pp. 439-446.
«El Eros ensimismado como método de auto-sublimación en el teatro de  Angélica Liddell». Sexo, adulterio y amor en el teatro XVI Congreso Internacional Theatralia, Madrid: Sociedad Cervantina y Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, pp. 103-116.
«The disappearance of the fiction role in the Angélica Liddell’s theatre: The Nubila Wahlheim paradigm». Teatr@, revista de estudios culturales, nº28, Connecticut College.
2013. «La desaparición del personaje en el teatro de Angélica Liddell: el paradigma Nubila Wahlheim». Voz y Letra Revista de Literatura, nº24, U La Rioja / Arco Libros, pp. 77-98.
2012. «Motivos y Estrategias, Estudios en honor del Dr. Berenguer». Don Galán: Revista de Investigación teatral. Monográfico: El teatro español en el s. XX, nº2. Cap. 7.15.
2009. «Tiempo y Espacio en Hysterica Passio de Angélica Liddell». Voz y Letra Revista de Literatura, nº20, U La Rioja / Arco Libros, pp. 91-113.
2008. «Angélica Liddell y su espejo». Teatro. Revista de estudios escénicos, nº 22, Alcalá de Henares: Ateneo de Madrid / U Alcalá, pp. 338-340
2007. «Angélica Liddell y la tragedia de la indiferencia», Teatro. Revista de estudios escénicos, nº 21, Alcalá de Henares: Ateneo de Madrid / U Alcalá, pp. 173-200.
«Centenario Beckett». Teatro. Revista de estudios escénicos, nº 21, Alcalá de Henares: Ateneo de Madrid / U Alcalá, pp. 308-309.

Research Area

AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION (AOS): Audiovisual and Performing Arts; Spanish like foreign language; Literature and Culture of Contemporary Spain.

AREAS OF COMPETENCE (AOC): Dramaturgy; Theatre History; Creative Writing; Sociology of Media and Theatre; Theatre Spanish Golden Age; Cultural Mobility; Contemporary and current Spanish Performance (20th-21st centuries); Avant-Garde European Performance; Theatre techniques in the context of language teaching; Spanish Gramma, phonetics, composition and conversation.